Thursday, August 2, 2007

Another hospital run. . .just for the fun of it!

Another hectic day Wednesday was...I spent the majority of my time on the phone to schedule home health for weight/vital checks and possibly labs, ordering a powerful nasal aspirator, and calling the pharmacy about Abe's Captopril as it was going awfully fast and I had the sinking suspicion that I was administering it to him incorrectly. What an awful feeling. So, I called the pharmacy and they initially said they did not give me enough, only to call back 5 minutes later to say the pharmacist who mixed it made it too strong! He was vague and wouldn't say how much, but obtained Abe's doctor information and of course I called our pediatrician too. I have been given Abram his Captopril at the "too strong" strength for a week now and our pediatrician told us to go to urgent care to make sure Abram was ok. This medication can affect his blood pressures, making them go lower and electrolytes which would lead to increased renal failure and kidney problems. We spent 3 hours at Children's Mercy Urgent Care, and another prick of the needle on Abram to find out that his BUN was a bit elevated, in addition to some other numbers (creatnine) but not elevated enough for hospital intervention. What a relief that was. Apparently the medication was 3x the strength it should have been. So, needless to say Abram is ok but we could have done without all of that! And then to learn that pharmacy charged us and our insurance for the new bottle of medication of the correct strength (my husband was the purchaser - believe me, I would have had words right then!) so I think a letter is in store for Walgreens :), with a request to pay for our hospital trip. Not even did they ever offer an apology!
Other than being tired we are doing ok. Abram hsa been sleeping more these last couple days, and bit more cranky but I think his days are going to be inconsistent and dependent upon how he feels. He's in his bouncer cooing away and talking to the itsy bitsy spider toy that hangs in front of him. He loves his bouncer, but this is a first that he has been interested in the actual toys that connect to it. He remains pink and has gained a few grams - a whopping 11.99 pounds he is! without the "normal" amount of muscle tone he is to have, he's even more fun to cuddle with. As his Aunt says, he is "squishy" and he is fun to squish!

1 comment:

Minnesota Girl said...

thank God for your "anal" personality that allowed you to catch the medication issue! i could learn a thing or two from your persistance as well, calling the pharmacy and doctors and forcing them to let you know exactly what happened and how much of an overdose abe was receiving, as well as the affects from it. i continued to be amazed at how well you are managing everything! i can only imagine how physcially exhausted and emotionally drained you must be, but yet you are very on top of what is going on with abe and his care.

you are a wonderful, protective mama bear, and that's exactly what abram needs!

sending love, prayers, hugs and kisses your way!