Friday, August 24, 2007

Abram was seen at the GI and the doctor was not concerned with Abram's reflux. Because Abe's weight and height remain in good ration with each other (at 50% marker). His height/weight compared to 100 other boys his age is at the 5% mark, anything less would be cause for concern. Even though Abe vomits a lot it's not effecting his weight significantly. The doctor was more concerned about Abram's diarrhea being in excess from the antibiotics he was on, ordered labs for CBC and electrolytes. Needless to say we will not be returning to see GI unless Abe's feed tube becomes problematic or he begins to lose weight. . .this is a good thing.
GI doctor called 10:30pm last night to report on the blood work. Abe's neutrophils (bacteria fighters) were back to being very low again (152) and concerned about the diarrhea and antibiotics causing another infection. He contacted Infectious Disease and their suggestion was that we go to the hospital for admit to monitor for infection and have stools tested. Reluctantly we agreed. What could the nurses be doing at the hospital that we weren't doing at home or a quick trip to the lab???? The hospital is a scary place when neutrophils are so low.
We were hospitalized for a total of 16 hours, and not much happened. Results from stool, blood and urine all negative for staff. Enterovirus continues to be in Abe's stool which is puzzling that it has hung around this long. We have plans to follow up with hematologist to further look at causes of low neutrophils and with Infectious Disease to monitor the staff and viral issues.
Ironically, as mentioned earlier in my blog about my little guy - Alec, was still in the hospital and moved to intensive care yesterday prior to our hospitalization. We arrived on the same floor only to move into his room that he had left. . .his name was still on the door!
We are home now, but with great sadness have to say it's been a very sad day as we lost Alec to heaven today. He did not make it through anesthesia when in for a biopsy. Thankfully, I was in the hospital with Abram and could be there with Alec and his family. I believe God was working at this time as there was no way that I could have been with them if we weren't in the hospital where someone could look after Abram and I could be in the same place at the same time in the event I needed to get to Abram quickly.


Minnesota Girl said...

i am so sorry to hear about the loss of Alec. what a wonderful gift that you were able to be with he and his family at the hospital. i think you are right...God does work in mysterious ways. lots of love and hugs to you in what must be a very difficult time for you.

Erin said...

Thank you Angie! It was good to talk to you last night. . .hope school goes well for Kyleigh and Kolby next week. I'll be anxious to hear how they do! (I know they will do fine)!