Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Not much new here. Abram had a tough weekend as we tried to change his formula to a less expensive one. He vomited every feeding and is slowly recovering as he is back to his original formula. He does have a doctor appt scheduled for Friday to see the cardiologist however, the cardiologist may postpone the appt since they scheduled it at the wrong clinic way up north, and because Abram sounds like he is doing ok to her. She didn't think Abram's symptoms were related to any heart failure or cardiac distress and stated any changes for the better would not be seen this soon anyways. So it's likely it will be rescheduled for August 20. It's possible Abram has some kind of viral thing going on again as he has a temperature on and off, usually in the morning hours and then it goes away. He was in better spirits for the latter part of the day. I was looking forward to his appointment with the cardiologist as I had questions about what the plan is for us, knowing that it's a wait and see if Abram improves, and if he declines a heart transplant is in order. But I wonder what the plan is if he doesn't improve or decline. . . maybe more meds, I suppose.
Abram and I continue to be loners at home, some of the Drake's have come by and window peeked or stood from a distance as they are fearful of passing something along to Abram. Abram does better when he is held, does't throw up as much or as hard when he is laying on us so we are holding him all the time. I held Abram from 10:30 last night to noon today, my back and arms were killing me! Then we started him on some pedialyte after talking to the doctor and his stomach calmed down a little. But for the most part it seems like all we do is hold Abram. Mom is coming down this weekend and I am feeling relief already knowing there is going to be another holder around!

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