Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Culture results

Received a call today about Abe's culture from his bottom where the two pimples were, and turns out they are a staff infection of the MRSA type. This is a "highly resistant" and "highly contagious" staff infection and can be very serious if in the blood or urine. However, as far as I know it is only on his bottom. He has been on Bactrim for 4 days now and they are much improved. I put a link for MRSA on the blog to the left if you'd like to read more.
Abe's pediatrician is doing some consulting with the geneticist at Children's Mercy to see what genetic tests were done as we had some question whether or not Barth's Syndrome was truly ruled out. It's likely we will request a genetic test to rule this out or in, if I remember correctly the doctors only looked at his blood and urine to rule this out and that is not always matter of fact when ruling out Barth's.
Our next appointment is Friday with our pediatrician to discuss furhter testing and follow up on the staff infection.

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