Sunday, August 19, 2007

Home Sweet Home

We are home again! Abe looks good, is on a couple new antibiotics for a week and then hopefully we will have the MRSA (staff) licked, and have one less thing to worry about. So far nothing has grown from his blood culture, no infection or MRSA in urine or blood but this can grow out for a few days until the test is officially done. We see the cardiologist in one week and have more blood work, GI specialist this week, and Infectious Disease in 2 weeks. We are no longer involved with hematology as long as Abe's blood stays good and we hope the same with infectious disease after our follow-up appointment. Then we can put all of our focus on the heart and genetics, making life a little more simple.


Unknown said...

This is such good news! Sounds like his little system is fighting back and making some progress. Hope he continues to surprise everyone:) Makes you take a deep breath of hope. What a busy few days you all have had!

Kendra Foster said...

I don't not know how you guys are handling all this. Doesn't seem like there could be more ups and downs, but at least it looks like things are going up now. Abram is such a little fighter. Looks like he will make it through anything that comes his way. Thank goodness he has that in him already! Hang in there!!

Erin said...

I know, what good news this is and he is a little fighter! Hopefully his numbers will stay where they are this next Monday when our next cardiology appt. is. Hope both of you are doing well - miss you and the normal world like crazy!!!