Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Abram is doing pretty good for the moment. He continues on antibiotics and I cannot wait until this Friday when we can hopefully stop them! This is the house of puke and diarrhea! Abe has lost a little weight because of the effect of the antibiotics, but know he will gain it back once they stop. We continue to count diapers daily, and hit an all time high yesterday at 22! Bryan and I are treating our "nares" (nostrils - we are getting good with the terminology) to "de-colonize" any MRSA (staff) that we may have, and rid it for good. I guess that is where MRSA likes to hang out in healthy adults. The nurse was here yesterday and she thought Abe was doing well, heart steady at 126 and color good.
Abram is beginning to laugh, he doesn't have it all down yet but making a happy grunt that continues for just a little longer than a normal grunt. He and I go back and forth taking turns laughing at each other, it's hilarious!
Found out my other little guy is in the hospital - Alec, the little boy with Down's that I care for. It's likely we swapped rooms at Children's Mercy as they are on the same floor! Sounds like he has a bad virus of vomiting and crying constantly. He too has heart complications/conditions so they needed to take him in just in case. Please say a prayer for him and his family!


Minnesota Girl said...

22 diapers in one day? Wow! (I'm speechless)

I'm so glad Abram continues to do well! I can't wait to hear that adorable laugh!

You are are an amazing momma. Despite changing 22 diapers and dealing with medications, etc. you are still able to take time to appreciate the little things. Not everyone can do that. Abram is a lucky little man to have such wonderful parents!

Erin said...

It would be pretty boring around here if we didn't look at the little, positive things! He makes it all worth it, and forget that 22 diapies is an insane number. I've learned how to change diapers one handed! You too are an awesome momma, we mommas need to hang out more often! wish you were closer!!!