Saturday, August 11, 2007

Just because we love the hospital so...

Another trip to urgent care this morning after two small bumps on Abe's upper fanny became more red and larger in size. He is now on bactrim antibiotic to treat what is likely a staff infection. Cultures were taken to make sure that it was nothing more than staff, and the doctor thought the antibiotic would take care of it in 10 days. Received blood tests from Friday's appointment and learned that Abe's neutrophils (a part of his white blood count that has always been too low) continues to be low, lower than when he was discharged at the hospital (was 300 and now 200, needs to be 1500+). So he continues to be extremely susceptible to infections, hence the staff infection probably. We will continue to limit visitors with sincere apology to all of you who want to come see him, but we must protect our little guy. He and I will remain under "isolation" in our home as we thought we might be able to go on an outting. An echo was done on Friday at the cardiology appointment and showed no difference - no better no worse- of his heart. The cardiologist explained the plan was to monitor Abram to make sure his heart can beat well enough for his growing body, and for now it is. Sometimes growth helps heal the heart, and sometimes it puts additional strain on it. So it's still a "wait and see". Cardiologist increased his medications for his new weight of 12.5 pounds (wowee!). The plan continues to go on a donor list if Abe's condition worsens, but due to his current stability if he were on the list it would be unlikely he would have a donor (compared to those in the hospital on constant medications and not able to go home who are first served, for good reason.) We have another appointment in 2 weeks with the cardiologist for another echo, etc., upcoming appointment with GI doctor, and likely another trip to urgent care that may be routine for our circumstances :). We plan to follow up with our pediatrician this week to tackle the cause of the low white blood count. . .or continue to blame it on this everlasting virus. My thought: test for the virus and if it's gone further testing for what is causing the low blood count. Will present this to the pediatrician.
Mom is here visiting and helping us get some rest and good food in us. Missing out on a family reunion which we are sad about, but not much of a choice to do otherwise.
Nothing more new. Until next time. . .

1 comment:

Minnesota Girl said...

i continue to think about you all and pray for you often! wish i could do more to help!